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Lunar Branding

Updated: Mar 31

Client Overview

Client Name: Lunar Branding

Industry: Promotional Products and Branded Merchandise

Challenges Faced by Lunar Branding

  1. Online Reputation: The necessity to build a positive online reputation through Google My Business.

  2. Outdated Website: Their outdated website and minimal online engagement hindered its digital footprint.

Goals for Using ZAIDOUR's Services

  • Establish a strong portfolio of positive reviews on Google My Business.

  • Revamp digital presence with a modern, user-friendly website.

Solutions Provided

  • Reputation Management: Implemented tools to bolster the online reputation, with a focus on Google My Business ratings.

  • Website Development: A new website to boost online visibility and reflect their brand.

Lunar Branding Home Page (Before)

Lunar Branding Home Page (After)

Results and Impact

  • 17 5-star Google Business reviews within 1 month

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Lunar Branding's stellar service is the root of their online reputation, ZAIDOUR simply watered the seed. By creating their Google Business profile, we provided an opportunity for their satisfied customers to share their out-of-this-world experiences with the world. Lunar Branding has seen a positive increase in their online reputation, as well as an uptick in leads generated via their website since ZAIDOUR's work. We look forward to continuously providing services as they help businesses shoot for the moon!

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